
The following leagues are available at the Crestwood Curling Club:

Wednesday Mixed League is a 12 team league separated into 2 divisions. The  league plays 20 games through the season at 6:00pm. Fee $635.00 

Curling Dates

The Friday Mixed / Open League is a 12 team league separated into 2 divisions.  The league is open to mens, ladies and mixed teams of all levels of play.  The  league plays 16 games through the season 6:15pm.  Fee $500.00

Saturday Afternoon Open is a 12 team league. The league is open to mens, ladies and mixed teams of all levels of play.  The  league plays 11 games through the season 4:30pm.  Fee $350.00

Curling Dates


Sunday Open is a 12 team league separated into 2 divisions.  The league is open to mens, ladies and mixed teams of all levels of play.  The  league plays 16 games through the season 6:00pm.  Fee $480.00

Curling Dates


The Wednesday Afternoon Ladies League takes place on Tuesday afternoons at 12:50pm playing 21 games.  Fee $405.00

Curling Dates

Afternoon Ladies Rules

Contact the Afternoon Ladies Executive [email protected]


Tuesday Ladies League is a 12 team league seperated into 2 divisions.  The league plays 20 games on at 6:00pm.  Fee $635.00

Curling Dates


The Wednesday Afternoon Ladies League takes place on Wedenesday afternoons at 12:50pm playing 21 games.  Fee $405.00

Curling Dates

Afternoon Ladies Rules

Contact the Afternoon Ladies Executive [email protected]


The Thursday Afternoon Ladies League takes place on Thursday afternoons at 12:50pm playing 21 games.  Fee $405.00

Curling Dates

Afternoon Ladies Rules

Contact the Afternoon Ladies Executive [email protected]



Monday Men’s League is a 12 team league seperated into 2 divisions.  The league plays 20 games alternating weekly between 7:00pm & 9:00pm. Fee $635.00

Curling Dates

Thursday Night Men’s is a 24 team league separated into 4 divisions. The league plays 20 games with an alternating draw schedule at 6:15pm and 8:30pm. Fee $635.00

Curling Dates


The Little Rock Youth Program talke place on 16 Saturday mornings at 9am.  More info can be found here 

Curling Dates

The Junior League talke place on 16 Saturday mornings at 10:30am.  More info can be found here 

Curling Dates 

The Advanced Junior League talke place Thursdays at 4:00pm on 12 dates.  More info can be found here 

Tuesday Sr. Open League is a 12 team league that Plays an 11 game round robin Janurary - March.    The league takes place at 9:30am on Tuesday mornings.  Registration into this league is by individual and teams are made by the organizers. Fees $205.00 per session. 

Curling Dates

Friday Sr. Open League is a 12 team league that Plays an 10 game round robin January - March.    The league takes place at 12:30pm on Friday afternoons.  Registration into this league is by individual and teams are made by the organizers.  Fee $195.00 per session.

Curling Dates

The Wednesday Fun league is a 10 week league that takes place on Wednesday nights at 8:15pm.  The 1st 10 games take place between October and December.  A 2nd season begins in January and runs until March.  This league plays 6 end games.  Fee $310.00 per session.

Curling Dates

The Friday Fun league is a 8 week league that takes place on Wednesday nights at 8:30pm.  The 1st 8 games take place between October and December.  A 2nd season begins in January and runs until March.  This league plays 6 end games. Fee $250.00 per session.

Curling Dates



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League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Us

14317 96 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5N 0C5



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Club Info

The Crestwood Curling Club is a 6 sheet Curling Facility located in Edmonton’s west end.  We have a variety of leagues including Men’s, Ladies, Mixed, Open, Sr. Men, Afternoon Ladies, and Juniors.

Our facility was built in 1954, however has had numerous improvements over the years.  In 2004 our lounge underwent a major renovation, which boasts a large viewing area and impressive bar for members and visitors to enjoy. In 2010 our sand base was replaced with a new concrete floor.



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